Southern States Energy Board (SSEB) CO2 Capture
SSEB and AirCapture LLC are leading a team to scale up and demonstrate a hybrid DAC/point-source CO2 capture system. The technology features solid-amine adsorbents to produce a CO2 of at least 95% purity using low-grade waste heat, which is often available in a power plant setting. The technology will be field-tested at the National Carbon Capture Center after construction and testing by AirCapture. Other participants include Global Thermostat, Synapse Development Group, Crescent Resource Innovation and Southern Company. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and partners.

InnoSepra Sorbent Process
With support from the Small Business Innovation Research program, InnoSepra is advancing a direct air capture (DAC) process using sorbent materials with exceptionally high CO2 capacities and low regeneration energy requirements. The project team will optimize the material/process combinations and evaluate effectiveness for DAC under different process conditions during small bench-scale testing at the National Carbon Capture Center.